Who Narrates Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol

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Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol Quotes

Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol by Allen Carr
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Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol Quotes Showing 1-16 of 16
"You might well get that feeling of a void or wanting a drink, particularly over the next few days. If and when it happens, reverse it immediately. Just remind yourself, "This is the death throes of that goblin on my back. It's what drinkers suffer throughout their drinking lives. Isn't it marvellous: I'M FREE!" That way the slight pangs immediately become moments of pleasure. Get into the habit of doing that over the next few days. Unless you reverse those pangs immediately, you will be doubting your decision. Remember, any slight aggravation that you might suffer over the next few days is not because you stopped drinking, but because you started. Non-drinkers don't have this problem."
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"Why would anyone want to drink a poisonous, highly addictive drug that tastes foul; a drug that will shorten your life, debilitate your immune system and impede your concentration; a drug that will destroy your nervous system, your confidence, your courage and your ability to relax? Why would you want to take a drug that will cost you about £100,000/$160,000 in your lifetime and do absolutely nothing for you whatsoever?"
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"Because when you feel physically and mentally low, molehills become mountains, slight set-backs seem like disasters, and the smallest problem tends to be the final straw to break the camel's back."
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"Alcohol is a chemical depressant and a powerful poison. It destroys us both physically and mentally. By inebriating us, it destroys every survival instinct that we possess and takes the joy of life with it. In short: it makes us feel suicidal. And that's what it amounts to: SLOW AGONIZING SUICIDE"
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"Client: "Could you teach me to have an occasional drink and not get hooked again?" Me: "Of course I could. I could even teach you to take the occasional dose of arsenic." Client: "Why on earth would I want you to do that?" Me: "Exactly!"
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"Part of the ingenuity of any addictive drug is to fool you into believing that life without it won't be as enjoyable, and/or that you'll be less able to cope with stress."
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"Can you picture the fly alighting on the plant as the teenager sampling their first shandy? Can you visualize the lager lout just about to throw up as the bloated fly before it tries to take off? And when the alcoholic can no longer close his eyes to the fact that his life is being dominated and ruined by drink, doesn't he try to cut down and control his intake, rather like someone who is grossly overweight attempts to cut down on food. But does dieting make food appear less precious? Quite the contrary. The more you cut down, the more hungry you get, the hungrier you get the more deprived you feel, the more deprived you feel the more precious each morsel becomes. Exactly the same happens when you try to cut down on your drinking. At the times when you won't allow yourself to drink, you feel miserable because you can't drink, and when you do allow yourself to drink, you still feel miserable because you can't drink enough. Aren't the struggles of the fly similar to the abortive struggles of the alcoholic who is trying to control his intake? Drinking hasn't become less precious to him. On the contrary, it now dominates his whole life. The more both the fly and the alcoholic struggle to escape, the more imprisoned they become. Are the semi-digested insects not comparable to the down-and-out meths drinkers of skid row, whose entire existence is now confined to begging or stealing the next fix, and trying to find somewhere warm to sleep off the effects? Does the fact that the fly can see the partially digested bodies prevent it from joining them? Who knows?"
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"You need to stop thinking "I can never ever have another drink", and start thinking how wonderful it will be when you can stop poisoning yourself."
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"You could argue that you made a rational decision to try your first few drinks. I won't argue with that. But supposing a confidence trickster had persuaded you to buy shares in a company that didn't exist. You made a decision to invest in the company, a decision that was rational given what you knew at the time. But in retrospect you would hardly describe yourself as being in control of the situation. Likewise when you sampled alcohol for the first time you believed there was some benefit to doing so. But the so-called benefits are in fact illusions, and always have been. So the reason that you began sampling alcohol, whether it be brainwashing, peer pressure or whatever, is completely irrelevant. YOU WERE CONNED!"
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"Where drugs are concerned "It's all right in moderation" is like saying "It's all right to get a tiny bit pregnant" or "By all means go over Niagara Falls, but don't go down more than 3 feet." The nature of all drug addiction is to fool you into believing that you are in control, to block your mind from the evil effects, and to drag you further and further down. The only difference between Niagara and alcohol is that with Niagara it takes just a few seconds for all victims to reach rock-bottom and disaster. The dangers are therefore very obvious and so very few people become victims. With alcohol we are actually persuaded that it is a good thing to be a victim."
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"It's a powerful poison and will shorten your life considerably. It is also highly addictive, will debilitate your immune system and impede your concentration. It will systematically destroy your nervous system, your confidence, your courage and your ability to relax. By the way, it tastes awful and will cost you about £100,000/$160,000 in your lifetime. What does it do for you? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!"
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"I'd like a pound for every time I've heard someone say, "Doctors say a glass of red wine is good for the heart." The statement is usually made by some grossly overweight chain-smoker who has already drunk a whole bottle; as if they are drinking not because they are hooked or even because they claim to enjoy it, but for purely medical reasons."
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
"What you really enjoy in an alcoholic drink is not the drink itself, but the ending of the irritation of wanting that drink. Non-drinkers enjoy that all the time."
Allen Carr, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol

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